Hotel Policies

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Hotel Policies

  • The standard check-out time is 12 noon and any extensions are at the sole discretion of the hotel with or without additional charges. The guest accepts that in case the room is not released by 12 noon, the hotel has the right to charge for an additional night charges unless accepted otherwise.

  • The hotel is not responsible for any valuable items left in the guest room. Safe deposit lockers are available in the room and the guests are encouraged to use them to store their valuables at all times. The hotel is not responsible for the loss of any articles unless entrusted to the management.

  • Visitors are not permitted in guest rooms with or without the resident guest after 21:00 hrs.

  • Dangerous, combustible, hazardous or any other goods which can cause harm to the property or humans and outside food & beverages are not permissible inside the hotel. The hotel reserves the right to stop any guest who brings such articles or goods inside the hotel premises and reserves the right to inform authorities accordingly.

  • Guest will be held responsible for any loss or damage to the Hotel property caused by themselves, their friends or any person for whom they are responsible.

  • The Management reserve to itself the absolute right of admission to any person in the hotel premises and to request any guest to vacate his or her rooms at any moment without previous notice and without assigning any reason whatsoever and the guest shall be bound to vacate when requested to do so.

  • Guests are requested to observe the Govt. Rules & Regulations in force from time to time in respect of registration, alcoholic drinks, firearms etc.

  • Only fully vaccinated guests will be allowed in the hotel after showing their final vaccination certificates.Failure to produce the certificate will result in denial of entry inside the hotel premises without any refund of deposit.

  • All disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts at Punjab and shall be subject to the governing laws of India.